Waiver of Liability
I acknowledge and assume full responsibility and risks for my actions, while participating in any program (weight training, aerobic, anaerobic, stretching, Biosignature Modulation, strongman, Fascial Stretching, seminar or lecture) at The Healthy Gym. I understand that any exercise, stretch, equipment or implement that I use can lead to pain, discomfort, injury, assault or even death to myself. I completely relinquish any blame on The Healthy Gym in the case that such an event does occur. I will never sue them or conduct a lawsuit against them for any such events.
I also assume full responsibility for any discomfort, pain or injury (whether felt before, during or following treatment) experienced from any mode of therapy used (Fascial Stretching, pressure point, muscle activation, Trigenics, etc.) during any type of physical activity (weight training, aerobic, anaerobic, strongman, Fascial Stretching) for which it is necessary that a trainer at The Healthy Gym use physical contact and put his hands on me (arms, legs, lower leg, shoulders, neck, etc). I understand that trainers at The Healthy Gym are fully trained, certified, competent and capable of carrying out these more current types of therapies, but do not assume them responsible for any pathologies, aches, pains, strains or injuries (or any other reason for physical, emotional or psychological discomfort), both known and unknown, occurring before, during or after treatments. I will not sue or create legal action against The Healthy Gym in the case that these therapies do lead to a negative event.
I also realize that any information, recommendations or products related, but not limited to, nutrition, supplementation, exercise, emotional/psychological, provided to me at The Healthy Gym, is assumed to be used under my own discretion and that of my acting health care practitioner. Never will I lay blame on or sue The Healthy Gym for my own actions taken, which involves this information, other recommendations or products.
I also realize that The Healthy Gym will never be held responsible for the loss or damage (in any way shape or form) to any personal equipment, money, clothing, foods, supplements, drinks, or any other personal belongings of mine. By bringing any such items to my session (before, during or after its completion) at The Healthy Gym, I assume full responsibility for the loss or destruction of such items.
By signing this waiver I fully understand the statements above and assume any other reasons for pain, discomfort (mental, physical or emotional), accidental injury or even death, that have not been mentioned or explained, but are obvious in this type of situation. I fully understand the legal ramifications of such an event. Because of this, I will never sue or bring a law suit against The Healthy Gym or its associates, both now or in the future.